
Hello there! You are most welcomed to read this humble blog of mine :) Hope you enjoy my crazy weirdness :PP

Monday, December 14, 2009


hey guys.
everyone who reads this blog of mine :D
i was thinking of changing my blog layout.
what do you think?
still, i don't think this layout is suitable for a 24 year old, soon to be graduating doctor :PP
(haha, perasan)

so, as for my previous post,
it was all actually a big mistake.

now, i shall start;
the story goes like this;

steve was sadly sulking in his room, when, joe bursted into his room, "HAPPY ANIVERSARY BUD!". (again joe, how many times must I explain that I am NOT a bud, i am quite happy to be human). he brought a cake and tons of chocolate. he told steve about the H1N1 thing, and, gladly, he said that he'd never leave steve's side. ILY JOE<3

suddenly, phone rings. steve greets the person on the line. the person says, "MR. VALERIANO, you DON'T have H1N1!". steve was like, crapping in his pants. O__o

turns out, the person was actually the doctor. so, the doctor says that steve merely has the case of Avian Influenza a.k.a H5N1. (hehe)

apparently, somebody had tampered with the test results and fortunately, the have already been caught. he then told steve to eat lots of fruits and prohibits him to eat ANY chocolate. *sigh*

steve and joe immediately starts jumping around like a bunch of deranged monkeys. until, joe asks, "WHAT THE F*** AM I GONNA DO WITH ALL THIS CHOCOLATE?"

so, that was the story.
it was actually a big whole misunderstanding.
maybe that's why i felt disease-less.

random pictures coming up,
it was me at one of the beaches in europe.

bye. :P

"because hey-, isn't chocolate your true love?"
"no, it's cereal O_o"
-joe and steve

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